HaH Day 2022 – We Met Our Match!
Thank you so much for your very generous support for our Help a Horse Day $10,000 match! We met the match and more than doubled it thanks to all of you! We are so very grateful to the couple that makes this match possible; they are such a blessing to the rescue! We are also so thankful for all the amazing support we received between our fundraiser on Facebook, PayPal donations, and countless donations through the mail — thank you so much!
Our devoted supporters from Horsemen’s Outlet held a tack sale that also benefited the Mylestone horses for Help a Horse Day at their store. Many people participated in the event. In addition, Mylestone was the recipient of a $1,000 donation from Cars for Horses, a new non-profit organization that sells donated cars and other metal, then donates the proceeds to horse rescues.
Sarah Prant Ercolano, owner of Horsemen’s Outlet, introduced Ashley Tomson, the founder of Cars for Horses, to Mylestone. We were honored to be selected.
Ashley Tomson came to the farm for a tour after the event at Horsemen’s Outlet to meet our rescue horses. Thanks to the everyone that helped at Horsemen’s Outlet making the event possible, our volunteers, and board members.
Our Help a Horse Day Match has become our biggest fundraiser for the rescue horses, thank you!