Horses | Woody

Woody is a 28 year-old gelding (in 2017) with a Tennessee Walker heritage. The breed is known to be gentle, affectionate and intelligent; a combination of the best traits taken from the Standardbred, Morgan, Thoroughbred, Canadian, and Narragansett Pacer families. This foundation led to the Tennessee Walker which developed distinctive qualities of its own. The breed is well known for three gaits; the swift running walk, the slow bold flat foot walk, and the slow high rolling canter.
Woody had been adopted out successfully, but the family who loved him ran into some difficulties that prevented them from caring for him adequately. Under Mylestone’s adoption umbrella, Woody safely returned to us. Mylestone’s adoption policy helps us prevent horses from falling through the cracks; there is a safe place for them to return. Woody was thin when he returned, but quickly regained the lost weight.
He is enjoying his time here once again. Holly has become a good friend and playmate. He is able to keep up with her frisky games of youth and doesn’t mind kicking up his heels for a race around the paddock.
Woody is a cribber and is prone to colic because of it. Three years ago we noticed that he would leave food to crib. We increased his grain, and he gained weight. We are now feeding him a third meal of grain at lunchtime and this is working well for him. Woody is not sound for riding because of an old injury to his left hock and he is, therefore, adoptable as a companion horse only.
We have high hopes this sweet and affectionate horse will find a wonderful home. He is easy to work around and enjoys living out if possible. He is friendly and likes people, and is hoping that you will choose him - if not to adopt - to sponsor! Please fulfill his dream and sponsor Woody.
If you would be interested in adopting Woody, please contact us for details.