Horses | Tyler

Tyler is a pony who was 23 years old when he came to Mylestone in March 2017 after he had outlived his usefulness. This kind and friendly boy had been used for pony rides and pony parties, but that all came to an end when he developed arthritis in one knee. He could no longer be ridden, and if he couldn't be ridden, he couldn't pay his way. He faced euthanasia.
Tyler's situation came to Mylestone's attention, and we decided to check him out, as we could accept a pony at the farm. Plus we wanted to see if he would work for our grooming program with the special needs kids who come to Mylestone and brush the horses. Susankelly visited Tyler with her young son who walked him on lead and brushed him, and Tyler was as sweet as could be. He was in good health but for the arthritis and had many good years left in him to enjoy life.
Tyler settled in nicely and has been outgoing and sweet to everyone. After years of pony rides, being ridden and kicked by children both large and small, surrounded by noisy children just being children at birthday parties, Tyler is finally enjoying a quiet life, doted on by Mylestone volunteers and the special needs kids who love him and are gentle with him. Retirement is looking good!
Currently, Tyler shares a small paddock with Lucy, our miniature horse. They've become good buddies, but Tyler would still like to expand his circle of friends. Won't you please sponsor Tyler or donate to his care?