Horses | Shadow

Shadow is completely blind. When he came to Mylestone his right eye was severly infected and his left eye very damaged as well. His previous owner ignored the infection -- he didn't think Shadow was worth calling the vet out to have his eyes treated. Instead, he continued to use Shadow as a riding horse until he became too blind to see. Then the man was going to send Shadow to auction. This individual was also very proud of having gelded Shadow himself. Shadow also bears additional scars that indicate some other kind of abuse. Sending this young pony off to auction seemed the right thing to do to this man - he couldn't make him any money, was now useless but would make him a few dollars at the auction.
Shadow had his left eye removed in 2009 due to swelling and pressure from blood which was causing him pain. His stall was set up for surgery, and Doctors Watson and Fugaro removed the eye. The surgery took about 2 hours and the doctors found that the eye was badly diseased. Within 2 hours Shadow was looking to play with his buddy next to him. Normally, he wouldn’t let anyone near his eye before the surgery. When the time came to remove the stitches he allowed the doctor to remove them without sedation. This was a very good sign that Shadow was much more comfortable and that it was the right thing to do.
Today Shadow has a little paddock of his own. Next to him is Logan during the day and Jackson, also blind, at night, and he's become a happy, healthy fellow. He even gave an interview to Dillon about his life before and after Mylestone! Shadow's a large pony, about 18 years old in 2017, and would love some sponsors. Will you sponsor Shadow?