Horses | Piper

Piper came to Mylestone in early August, 2011. She is a Paso Fino mare, now 19 years old, (in 2020.) She originally came from a local auction about 2 years ago, and had been well-cared for by her owner. But when the owner became ill, she was unable to keep up with Piper's board.
The barn where Piper was kept starved her because they were not being paid her board. As a result of authorities intervening, the barn owner was required to feed her, but didn't provide any other care. Her starvation was so severe, her hip bones were all but protruding through her skin, and she needed to gain 300 pounds.
Since she was younger than many of the starvation cases Mylestone takes in, Piper made a remarkable recovery. She was fed many small meals over 24-hour periods each day. One advantage she had was she was able to eat hay because her teeth were in good shape and didn’t require a lot of mashes like many of the older horses that have been starved typically do. She regained her weight over a few months. Piper really doesn't like having her hooves trimmed so most of the time she isn't very cooperative for the farrier but she is good for the vet.
We were very hopeful that Piper could be adopted out but when the vet examined her again for lameness issues, it was determined that she had an old stifle injury in her right hind leg. Unfortunately, that makes her less likely to be adopted since most people are looking for horses they can ride. With Piper's injury, she would be best suited as a companion horse. Good companion homes are hard to come by, so she has been on the farm for over 10 years now waiting for the right home, and appreciating those who sponsor her.
Piper when she arrived at Mylestone, needing to gain 300 pounds.
Piper is currently living out with Cleo, an older Thoroughbred mare. They get along overall but Cleo does tend to boss Piper around. She is now on the chunky side now because she eats faster than Cleo. One of Piper's favorite things to do is play with the geldings, Marley and Tango, over the fence in the paddock next to her.
Even though Piper was handled roughly in the past, she has learned to trust people at Mylestone. She likes being brushed and really enjoys attention from the volunteers. Piper is bright and friendly, and we still hope that she might find a permanent loving home. Until that time, we hope you will help support our lovely Piper. Won't you please sponsor Piper or make a donation to her care? She'll appreciate it!