Madeline's Tale of Love and Hope
"Madeline's Miracle" is now available through Mylestone Equine Rescue. The children's book by local author Loren Spiotta-DiMare and designed by Mylestone's graphic artist, Jeanne Balsam, is about our own Madeline and has been three years in the making. The story is illustrated with photographs, and begins when Madeline first arrived at Mylestone with Twinkle. It is a story about one pony's courage in the face of adversity and the many wonderful people who helped her along the way, particularly schoolchildren who collected and donated money to help heal Madeline's injured leg.
The story is aimed at children in the 3rd to 4th grade range, but will be enjoyed by all who love horses. The book is in full color, 8-1/2" x 11", hardbound, and 32 pages long. The author has included additional information about Mylestone in the back of the book so it will hopefully raise further awareness of Mylestone and the plight of horses needing rescue.
To order "Madeline's Miracle", please send a check or money order for $15.00 plus $5.50 shipping and handling to the address below. Books will be sent Priority Mail. Please make checks out to Mylestone Equine Rescue; Send to:
Madeline Book Order
Mylestone Equine Rescue
227 Still Valley Rd.
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865